The Suno India Show

Suno India

All Episodes

Jan 31, 2021

The Inequality Virus: How The Indian Government Helped Widen Our Wealth Gap

International charitable organisation Oxfam’s report ‘The Inequality Virus’ explores how inequality proved to be a bigger problem in this pandemic than the virus. Existing divisions in society were further wide...

30 mins

Jan 29, 2021

A year on, what the pandemic has taught us about our health systems

Exactly a year ago, on January 30, 2020 the World Health Organisation declared that the Covid-19 outbreak is a public health emergency of international concern. We have all suffered a year of the pandemic now a...

26 mins

Jan 22, 2021

Indian Economy Explained: Why is India’s Female Labour Force Participation Falling?

In November last year, India’s female labour force participation rate fell to its lowest points at 6.9%. While 67% of all men of working age are employed, only 9% of all women of working age are employed in the...

26 mins

Jan 21, 2021

How the Farmers’ Protests turned Atmanirbhar with Trolley Times

The farmers’ protest against the three new farm laws is not the first where protesters have refused to engage with what they consider pro-government media. Slogans like ‘Godi Media Go Back’ were also seen durin...

18 mins

Jan 18, 2021

Why a Covaxin Controversy in Bhopal is worrying trial participants, activists and experts

Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin is one of the two Indian vaccines being administered to healthcare workers as India embarks on the world’s largest inoculation drive. Health experts have expressed concerns as hundreds...

32 mins

Jan 16, 2021

Every Indian’s Checklist- How will the new Code on wages affect your salaries?

The Code on Wages, 2019 is likely to come into effect before April this year. The Code on Wages Act, 2019 aims to amend and consolidate laws relating to wages and bonus. It also aims to simplify and rationalise...

13 mins

Dec 30, 2020

Indian Economy Explained: From Green Revolution to present – the History of Agricultural reforms in India

With discussions around agitations related to the recent Farm laws, what is missing is context. Reforms in agriculture have a history since India’s independence starting with the Green revolution. This history...

42 mins

Dec 29, 2020

Vaccinating against COVID-19: Has the vaccine development been a fair and transparent process?

This is the second episode in the two-part series on developing COVID-19 vaccines for the Suno India show. In the first episode of the series, we discussed the different stages of clinical trials and how the va...

28 mins

Dec 29, 2020

Vaccinating against COVID-19: How did we get so many vaccines so fast?

The Indian government is gearing up for mass COVID-19 vaccinations. The question foremost on everyone’s minds are how were they developed so fast. The first episode of this two-part series for the Suno India Sh...

17 mins

Dec 28, 2020

Harassment by digital lending apps a matter of concern

Police in Hyderabad are cracking down on predatory practices of micro-lending applications, which are driving people to suicides and bankruptcy. These micro-lending apps push online advertisements offering to g...

40 mins