Everything Environment by Mongabay India


All Episodes

Aug 27, 2022

GigaWhat: Clean the messy trail

The clean energy sector maintains that it is crusading the fight against climate change. But first, governments and companies have to fix the road to making clean energy technologies. The supply chain to creat...

19 mins

Aug 22, 2022

GigaWhat: Creating rural jobs with renewables

Lack of energy access limits the rural economy. But reliable electricity creates an infrastructure for rural entrepreneurs and gives people a chance to work on their aspirations. In rural India, decentralised...

20 mins

Aug 13, 2022

GigaWhat: Clean-washing by dams?

Hydropower has been an old and reliable source of energy in India. Until a few years ago, India considered a hydropower project renewable only when the installed capacity was less than 25 megawatt (MW). But the...

25 mins

Apr 25, 2022

GigaWhat: Farms harvest solar energy

What are the high hurdles for India to uplift its people and realise its potential on the world stage? Two of the most significant ones are securing food for its large population and providing enough energy to...

18 mins

Mar 26, 2022

GigaWhat: Renewables go reckless

The loss of biodiversity, the sixth mass extinction, high chances that you would have heard these terms. It's clear what pushed us into this situation - overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, the way...

36 mins

Mar 11, 2022

GigaWhat: Renewable energy, limited land

Let's visualise the sheer expanse of one of India's largest solar parks, the Pavagada Solar Park in Karnataka. An aerial view of the site shows a never-ending sea of glass panels and wires spread across 13,000...

24 mins

Feb 25, 2022

GigaWhat: Clean Waste

The world is looking towards the sun, wind, and other alternatives for energy, and so is India, as a way to tackle climate change and other environmental issues. The sight of solar and wind farms, rooftops line...

23 mins

Feb 03, 2022

GigaWhat Trailer

GigaWhat will explore some of the biggest questions, challenges, and opportunities in India's transition from fossil fuel to clean energy sources. As countries commit to cut their carbon emissions to tackle cli...

3 mins